Modern Family is an American mockumentary-style family sitcom television series created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan. The series aired on ABC from September 23, 2009, to April 8, 2020, over eleven seasons. The series follows the lives of three diverse families—the Pritchetts-Delgado, the Dunphys, and the Pritchett-Tucker-Delgado families—living in Los Angeles, California. The series was praised for its humor, writing, and acting, and was nominated for 21 Primetime Emmy Awards, winning 22.
Modern Family Main Cast
- Ed O’Neill as Jay Pritchett: Gloria’s husband; Claire, Mitchell and Joe’s father; Manny’s stepfather; Haley, Alex, Luke and Lily’s grandfather; Phil and Cameron’s father-in-law.
- Sofía Vergara as Gloria Delgado-Pritchett: Jay’s second wife; Manny and Joe’s mother; Claire and Mitchell’s stepmother.
- Julie Bowen as Claire Dunphy: Jay and Dede’s daughter; Joe and Mitchell’s sister; Phil’s wife; Haley, Alex, and Luke’s mother.
- Ty Burrell as Phil Dunphy: Claire’s husband; Haley, Alex, and Luke’s father.
- Jesse Tyler Ferguson as Mitchell Pritchett: Claire’s brother; Cameron’s husband; Lily’s father-in-law; Rex’s father.
- Eric Stonestreet as Cameron Tucker: Mitchell’s husband; Lily’s co-parent; Rex’s stepfather.
- Sarah Hyland as Haley Dunphy: Claire and Phil’s eldest daughter.
- Ariel Winter as Alex Dunphy: Claire and Phil’s middle daughter.
- Nolan Gould as Luke Dunphy: Claire and Phil’s youngest son.
- Rico Rodriguez as Manny Delgado: Gloria’s son with her ex-husband, Javier.
- Aubrey Anderson-Emmons as Lily Tucker-Pritchett: Mitchell and Cameron’s adopted daughter from Vietnam.
- Jeremy Maguire as Joe Pritchett-Delgado: Gloria and Jay’s son.
Modern Family Recurring Cast
- Shelley Long as Dede Pritchett: Jay’s ex-wife; Claire and Mitchell’s mother.
- Reid Ewing as Chaz Delgado: Manny’s biological father.
- Jeniece Birkner as Pam Tucker: Cameron’s sister.
- Stephanie Beatriz as Sonia Ramirez: Haley’s teacher and love interest.
- Adam DeVine as Andy Cohen: Haley’s boyfriend.
- Nathan Fielder as Gil Thorpe: Claire’s co-worker and love interest.
- Elizabeth Banks as Debbie Pritchett: Jay’s stepmother and Joe’s grandmother.
- James Marsden as Barry Zuckerman: Claire’s college boyfriend and love interest.
- Keegan-Michael Key as Coach Cronkite: Luke and Manny’s baseball coach.
- Rob Riggle as Bill Dunphy: Phil’s father and Claire’s father-in-law.
- Beth Littleford as Nancy Dunphy: Phil’s mother and Claire’s mother-in-law.
- Vanessa Williams as Ava Marshall: Jay’s former business partner and love interest.
- Fred Willard as Frank Dunphy: Phil’s uncle and Claire’s uncle-in-law.
- Cheech Marin as Ramón Delgado: Gloria’s father.
- Sonia Sano as Pilar Delgado: Gloria